Monday, November 21, 2011


I, like many other women across the world, have two full time jobs.  I am, as you know, Mrs. Ortner - first grade teacher.  But what you might not know, and what I often forget myself, is that I have another full time job, Deb - wife, mother and friend. During the school year so much of my time, thoughts, and efforts go into running my classroom.  As my boys have gotten older, they need my time and devotion in different ways, more consuming ways. Like to drive them 10 miles to their basketball practice, spend an entire weekend at a baseball tournament 30 miles from our house that awaits upkeep and repair, or working endless hours in a concession stand selling food to people that I would sooner die than put in my own body to raise money for the team.  All this needs to be done while I'm cooking dinner (mostly done in a crock pot before I leave for work in the morning), chasing the dog off of the couch, reviewing student work, completing knitting projects, attempting home decorating projects, and hopefully having a conversation with my husband.  My evenings and weekends are just a different kind of work and I love this job just as much as I love being a teacher, even more so. I would not change one thing about my life.  I love shuttling my kids around and watching them grow. But I think my most important job falls to the wayside more often than it should; being Tom's wife. Our relationship is the foundation our family rests upon. It needs my full time attention as do all the rest of the things mentioned above.  How do I find the balance I need to do all of my jobs well?  It doesn't always go smoothly nor as planned but I think I'm getting the important parts right. I married the most amazing man.  This weekend, on a stolen get-away, he recited the words to a song being played in the background at dinner "you're my pride and joy" as he looked at me.  I was done. My heart melted as did all thoughts of assessments, dinner, and practice.  I found my balance. Upon my rock.
Tom, keeper of my heart and soul


  1. What a beautiful post! Thank you for posting such wonderful pictures, too. I think you are so right, and I often find myself struggling with the same things. Did I actually t-a-l-k to Kurt today? Or have I just been grunting out information? You have offered a poignant reminder. xoxo

  2. Poignant indeed. I have lived that life( minus the teaching), happily so. I miss all that carpooling and Kiddo related volunteering so much. A wise woman you are for finding your balance in the midst of it. Live happily upon that rock.

  3. My heart is melting. A moment you are not soon to forget! A moment that will get you through the next set of assessment, report cards, and school year. We live for moments like these.
