Saturday, October 8, 2011

An Invitation

Over the years I have received many invitations from students: soccer games, birthday parties, dance recitals.  I go to as many as I can and I enjoy them. I have been to a couple of weddings of former students and even attended one funeral. That was tough. Tonight I went to a former student's baptism.  Sweet Emily came to my classroom to personally invite me, of course I'd go!  I was expecting to slip into a pew toward the back of the church and not insert myself too much into this family celebration.  It turns out the baptism was being held in a small room at the church and not the main sanctuary.  I have not attended this church before so I was unsure of it's traditions.  I quickly realized this baptism was not something that the entire congregation would attend, just close friends and family. So, how did I get invited to such an intimate gathering? How did Emily's grandma know who I was when I have never met her? As the night progressed and Emily peeked over her shoulder to smile and wave at me my understanding of the enormity of my position sunk in.  This was the most important day in this little girl's life (to this point) and she included me. As a teacher I have been entrusted with not only the minds of my students but I have been entrusted with their hearts.  My words and actions carry serious ramifications (as I personally know, thank you very much Mr.-your short story is boring-McNevin) with each and every child I serve. Serve?  Is that what this job is? To serve my young student's; mind, body, and soul? Wow! What an AWEsome responsibility! As a teacher I have been invited into the lives of my students. Tonight was about Emily's decision but through the course of the ceremony it was impressed upon me how important what I do is.  How I must watch every word, sign, and gesture I make toward my little charges. I do not want to let even one of them down for a second. I must have done something really great when I was a child to be blessed with such an amazing opportunity.  Or maybe a long time ago there was a teacher at Longley Way Elementary School that took the time to attend a six year old's soccer game...


  1. What a wonderful read. Most happy I was introduced to this blog. I look foward to reading the words of such a gifted conveyer of Life.
    The world need a lot more of You!

  2. You are so nice! My new question is not... "wanna be my friend", but rather "wanna be my teacher"?
